Michele Bachmann's greatest hits: A guide to her most outrageous, outlandish, and out-there remarks
Michele Bachmann Said What!?
Mother Jones
By Tim Murphy | Mon Jun. 6, 2011 3:00 AM PDT
Now in just her third term in Congress, Michele Bachmann, the leader of the House tea party caucus, has earned a reputation as one of the lower chamber's leading bomb-throwers, lobbing overheated rhetoric at Democrats and needling establishment Republicans. Her Minnesota colleague, Democratic Rep. Keith Ellison once accused her of "psycho talk"; in an interview with Politico, a Pawlenty aide was just as blunt: "She's a real pain in the ass." Former state senator Dean Johnson, who was the Republican minority leader during Bachmann's stint in St. Paul, has said, "I don't think I ever served with anybody who I mistrusted more, from either side of the aisle."
Ouch. Bachmann also has a tendency to stretch the truth, or simply sidestep it altogether. Bill Adair, editor of PolitiFact, recently told Minnesota Public Radio that he has never researched a Bachmann quote and found it to be true (the only major politician for which that's the case).
Here's an incomplete guide to Bachmann's greatest hits...
(Continued here.)
Mother Jones
By Tim Murphy | Mon Jun. 6, 2011 3:00 AM PDT
Now in just her third term in Congress, Michele Bachmann, the leader of the House tea party caucus, has earned a reputation as one of the lower chamber's leading bomb-throwers, lobbing overheated rhetoric at Democrats and needling establishment Republicans. Her Minnesota colleague, Democratic Rep. Keith Ellison once accused her of "psycho talk"; in an interview with Politico, a Pawlenty aide was just as blunt: "She's a real pain in the ass." Former state senator Dean Johnson, who was the Republican minority leader during Bachmann's stint in St. Paul, has said, "I don't think I ever served with anybody who I mistrusted more, from either side of the aisle."
Ouch. Bachmann also has a tendency to stretch the truth, or simply sidestep it altogether. Bill Adair, editor of PolitiFact, recently told Minnesota Public Radio that he has never researched a Bachmann quote and found it to be true (the only major politician for which that's the case).
Here's an incomplete guide to Bachmann's greatest hits...
(Continued here.)
Labels: Michele Bachmann
Some interesting early quotes ... but they missed her "landlord" comment ....
in 1991, Ms. Bachmann and approximately 30 other abortion opponents went to a Ramsey County Board meeting where a $3 million appropriation was being considered to build a morgue for the county at St. Paul-Ramsey Medical Center (now called Regions Hospital). The Medical Center performed abortions and since Ms. Bachmann paid taxes, she protested the funding, “in effect, since 1973, I have been a landlord of an abortion clinic, and I don’t like that distinction.”
Hearing some of those comments, it is easy to consider her to be just another antiabortion zealot, but what got me was during her stint in the Minnesota Senate as the same-sex marriage issue was hot, Ms. Bachmann started chastising childless couples.
On the MN Political Roundtable , I wrote about her "political evolution" from attacking childless couples which no doubt had to anger women who could not conceive as well as couples who decided that they did not want to have children ... to promoting "family formation" via tax credits for heterosexuals couples to have children ... no credits for single women or gay/lesbian families.
Let's give some credit to the MN Republican Senate Caucus who stripped her leadership position after all her antics ... and is there any wonder why Boehner did not want her to have a spot on the leadership team.
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