SMRs and AMRs

Friday, February 18, 2011

Meet their backyard backstabbers


After dazzling an audience of Washington insiders with a speech Wednesday, New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie is the toast of Republican Party, a political luminary whose star shines so brightly that no one actually believes him when he says unequivocally he’s not running for president.

Yet to Steve Lonegan, Christie is just another hack—and a wildly overrated one at that.

“He has been a big disappointment to conservatives in New Jersey,” said Lonegan, the former Bogota mayor who lost to Christie in the 2009 GOP primary but campaigned for him in the general election.

Lonegan, now director of Americans for Prosperity New Jersey, can offer a detailed critique involving hiked property taxes, unpaid pension obligations and new taxes. Don’t even get him started about Christie’s failure to join other states in challenging Obamacare and his refusal to pull the state out of a regional cap-and-trade program.

(More here.)


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