SMRs and AMRs

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Liars’ Club


If common sense were currency Michele Bachmann would be broke, and holding a tin can by the roadside just now. Alas, because we live in an age where hyperbole is gold, Bachmann is rich.

She was on CNN the other day, a rare departure from the in-house fawning of Fox “News,” expressing outrage that President Obama’s trip to India was going to cost $200 million a day and involve nearly three dozen warships.

Anderson Cooper did what no Fox host would ever do: he asked the preternaturally nutty congresswoman from Minnesota where she got her figures, suggesting that “this idea that it’s $200 million or whatever is simply made up.”

In fact, it was made up. The White House said it was preposterous, and a Pentagon spokesman called the warship claim “absolutely absurd” and “comical.”

(More here.)


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