SMRs and AMRs

Saturday, October 09, 2010

U.S. Chamber puts millions into GOP ads

By Dan Eggen
Washington Post Staff Writer
Saturday, October 9, 2010

The long-simmering feud between Democrats and the U.S. Chamber of Commerce has erupted into a full-scale war.

The chamber, one of Washington's most influential lobbying groups, emerged from the background of the midterm elections this week, spending millions of dollars on ads to help Republicans and fending off Democratic allegations that the effort may include money collected from foreign firms.

The chamber told the Federal Election Commission that it spent $10.5 million in 31 House and Senate races this week, all in favor of Republicans. The disclosure marks the opening of the floodgates for the business group, which has spent a total of $25 million so far and has vowed to spend up to three times that much by Election Day.

Democrats have responded by attacking the chamber as part of a coalition of conservative groups spending tens of millions on political ads without having to reveal donors. The party and President Obama also have seized on allegations from a liberal think tank that money from overseas chamber affiliates may be polluting the U.S. election process - a charge the business group adamantly denies.

(More here.)


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