SMRs and AMRs

Saturday, October 02, 2010

The Terrible Election Race Race


Which state is having the most appalling campaign season?

Wow, so much competition!

There’s Arizona, where Jan Brewer, the immigrant-bashing governor, stomped away from her horrible debate performance while reporters yelled: “Governor, please answer the question about the headless bodies!” Always hard to beat a state with a headless-bodies controversy.

Arizona got additional awfulness points when Brewer announced that she was not participating in any future debates since she only needed to do just that one to get public campaign funds. Still more when she said she would probably change her mind if her poll numbers dropped. Even more for the fact that they haven’t.

California (Fourth Month Without a Budget!) has a governor’s race that’s degenerated into a debate over whether Meg Whitman should take a lie detector test to refute the weepy claims of her undocumented ex-housekeeper. And in South Carolina, the most impossible Republican in the Senate, Jim DeMint, is opposed by an apparently delusional Democrat named Alvin Greene. He’s facing a felony charge and pushing a jobs platform that involves putting people to work creating action figures of Alvin Greene.

(More here.)


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