SMRs and AMRs

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Name That Candidate


The end of an election season is always thick with regrets. Do you think Meg Whitman is contemplating all the other things she could have done with $141 million? Does the Republican candidate for the United States Senate in West Virginia kick himself for allowing his wife to establish a voting residence in Florida?

Personally, I am sorry about something I wrote about Dan Maes, the Republican nominee for governor of Colorado and possibly the worst candidate for anything in the entire country this year. Among many, many other things, Maes was accused of making up a story about being an undercover operative for the Kansas Bureau of Investigation in the city of Liberal, Kan.

I regret very much that when I wrote about this incident I pointed out that Liberal is “best known as the home of a ‘Wizard of Oz’ Museum.” While Liberal does, indeed, have such a museum, a number of readers pointed out that it is much better known for being the home of a Shrove Tuesday Pancake Race, in which contestants vie to see who can run the fastest while flipping pancakes in the air.

This is the sort of information we really like to acquire during a hard-fought campaign, but, alas, most of what we’ve learned this year is about the candidates. See how you score:

(More here.)


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