SMRs and AMRs

Tuesday, October 05, 2010

Midterm campaigns, brought to you by . . . ?

By Eugene Robinson
Tuesday, October 5, 2010

The Republican grab for Congress is being funded by a pack of wolves masquerading as a herd of sheep.

How sweet and innocent they seem, these mysterious organizations with names like Americans for Job Security. Who could argue with that? Who wants job insecurity?

It turns out, according to The Post, that an entity called Americans for Job Security has made nearly $7.5 million in "independent" campaign expenditures this year, with 88 percent going to support Republican candidates. Who's putting up all that money? You'll never know, because Americans for Job Security -- which calls itself a "business association" -- doesn't have to disclose the source of its funding.

Likewise, the American Future Fund has spent $6.8 million on campaigns this year, with every penny of that money benefiting Republicans. The patriotically named group -- and, really, who doesn't want America to have a future? -- is based in Iowa and has never before been a big player in the Great Game of campaign finance. Now, suddenly, it has a king's ransom to throw around.

Whose money is it? The American Future Fund won't tell you.

(More here.)


Blogger Minnesota Central said...

FYI : Minnesotans may remember the Norm Coleman television ad that the American Future Fund ran in 2008 … they have already been on the air in Iowa blasting a Democrat Congressman over the NYC mosque.
Also, the American Crossroads group mentioned in the article happens to share an office with the American Action Network whose CEO is Norm Coleman … nah, no coordination there.

6:51 AM  

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