SMRs and AMRs

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Juan Williams Is Right

by Michael Moore
The Daily Beast

In an open letter to the ex-NPR commentator, Michael Moore argues that Williams may have spoken clumsily, but one aspect of his message was spot-on: Political correctness about terrorists must end.

Dear Juan,

Sorry to hear you got fired by National Public Radio for saying on Fox that you get nervous when you see Muslims on a plane with you. It was dumb to say such a thing, but I don't think saying one dumb thing should be a firing offense. (I do think that an NPR journalist who accepts money from Fox News for his work a regular commentator should be a firing offense, but that's another story.)

But there's more to this—and some important things that everyone is missing.

For instance, what you said about Faisal Shahzad, the Pakistani immigrant who wanted to bomb Times Square. When he was being sentenced this month, he claimed, according to you, that his attempted attack was just “the first drop of blood.” We can't let political correctness blind us to this, you explained.

I guess Shahzad made a big impression on you, because after being fired you went back on Fox and told them, “You can't ignore the fact of what has even recently been said in court with regard to this is ‘the first drop of blood in a Muslim war in America.’”

(More here.)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

If Freedom and Liberty means anything at all; then, it means the right to tell people what they do not want to hear.

This does Not mean the right to use perverse language, or to use racial slurs.

However, considering that this is election time in America, and given the genuine concern of many voters, the level of debate can be more vigorous at this time to facilitate the ability to evaluate and scrutinize both motives, and policies.

This is proven correct by some of the quotes of the American Patriots, who used their knowledge, their experience, and the fact that history repeats itself to warn the American People Not to stray from the Constitution.

These American Patriots warned and predicted that self-serving greedy Traitors would arise in disguise, and that they would seek to gain Political Office for the purpose of setting up a Military Dictatorship.

It would be too easy, or more often, too convenient to simply dismiss the genuine concerns some people hold as being wild speculation, propaganda, or even trolling.

This is done by those who do Not have a counterargument, or by those who wish to conceal their revealed conspiracy.

We know that sometimes with conspiracies, there can be no proof provided, but nevertheless the conspiracies are real.

Conspiracies are Not like a Court of Law, where proof beyond reasonable doubt must be supplied, because the Conspirators act in secret, and they can abandon their plan without being caught in the act if others become suspicious.

The ‘beauty’ of, or what some would say is the diabolical and insidious nature of the Equal Rights argument; is that it can not be successfully argued against, until it is too late.

We have what is called circumstantial ‘evidence’, which is the ‘evidence’ provided by human nature, history, and some known facts, and these can be used to determine the percentage likelihood of the conspiracy theory being a correct evaluation.

We all know that the American Constitution was written the way it was for the precise reasons of protecting Proper Freedoms and ensuring Legitimate Liberties.

Americans have the writings and advice of those who framed their Constitution, and the writings and advice of known Patriots to guide them.

6:46 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Republican Party in America has won the House, but they have Not won the Senate.

I was always going to be difficult for the Republicans to win the Senate from that position, they may be glad that they did Not win a Majority in the Senate this time.

If the Republicans won the Senate, then they know that the issue of maintaining balance in Government might favour the Democrat Candidate for President in the 2012 Presidential Election.

As it is now, the Republicans only have the House, and they could win the Senate and the Presidency, and hold onto the House at the next Election.

The first thing I want to say is that I do Not know of any provable offence against President Barack Obama that could be used in any hypothetical impeachment hearings.

I strongly suspect that Hillary Clinton is the Real President of America, but that cannot be proven in any impeachment hearings, and it is unlikely that there will be a confession.

We know that the House has a Republican Majority, and they could hold an impeachment hearing on President Barack Obama if it was justifiable.

This is where the advantage of Not having a Senate Majority is; because, the Republicans would need Democrat Senators to impeach President Barack Obama.

It could be that the Clintons may slander President Barack Obama, and that the slander would constitute the basis for an impeachment hearing against President Barack Obama.

The purpose would be to enable Hillary Clinton to win the Primaries, and gain the Democratic Nomination for the next Presidential Election.

If Hillary Clinton becomes Vice President to Barack Obama, then this makes it possible for Hillary Clinton to become President, if Barack Obama retires, or is impeached in his the second term of his Presidency.

Americans, especially those in Government, should realize that it was Regulated Free Market Economic Policies that creates employment, and that Regulated Free Market Economic Policies made America a prosperous nation.

6:05 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think what is evident from the WikiLeaks Public Information Website is that those who do not like the message are trying to deflect attention away from themselves by attempting to rubbish the messenger with slander and threats against his right to pursue Happiness.

It is an old tactic by the unprincipled that if you cannot rubbish the message, then rubbish the messenger with slander and State Sponsored Terrorism by using the corrupt Judicial System of a country, and make sure it is labelled Democracy or International Community.

I do understand and agree with the need not to publish names of those people who are not Politicians, Diplomats, and High Officials.

This can be done by substituting the names of people for a title such Army Officer, or CIA Agent, or some other title.

What disappoints many people is that the American Government have not even offered to work with the WikiLeaks Public Information Website to ensure this discretion.

It needs to be said that the wording of the Diplomatic Cables is not in question at this time; however, some of the Diplomatic Cables will be found to contain truthful information, and others will be found to contain lies because of commercial self interest and political bias.

10:51 PM  

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