SMRs and AMRs

Monday, October 25, 2010

Hoteliers Look to Shield Themselves from Dishonest Online Reviews


The 35 million hotel reviews posted on TripAdvisor reveal everything from snooty staff to filthy toilets, and sometimes the reviewer’s overly picky standards.

But those comments can also cross the line between honest criticism and unsubstantiated, inflammatory claims, with potentially damaging consequences for some hotels.

Although TripAdvisor does allow property owners to post responses to reviews, some hoteliers argue that that option is not enough to address the problem. As TripAdvisor’s influence grows, smaller hotels, in particular, want the site to monitor comments more actively and take action when managers express concerns, especially when reviews border on libel.

These escalating tensions reveal how the free-for-all of online customer feedback differs from an era of professional reviewers operating under clearer guidelines, leaving many businesses feeling powerless.

(More here.)


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