SMRs and AMRs

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Europe’s right rises again: 13 percent of Germans want a ‘Fuhrer’

By Daniel Tencer
The Raw Story
Sunday, October 17th, 2010

Thirteen percent of Germans would welcome the arrival of a new "Fuhrer," a new study suggests in what may be the most striking example yet of the rise of right-wing extremism in Europe today.

According to the Christian Science Monitor, more than a third of Germans feel the country is "overrun by foreigners," roughly 60 percent would "restrict the practice of Islam" and 17 percent believe Jews have "too much influence."

The Irish Times reports:
Researchers said a clear trend was visible: after almost a decade of decline, the survey indicates that views in favour of dictatorship, xenophobia and anti-Semitism are increasing in popularity. “In the past the base for extreme-right views in Germany, though present, was more latent in nature. Now these views are being expressed more frequently,” said Oliver Decker, one of the authors of the study.

He suggested that the views in the survey were colored by the recent economic crisis, even though Germany is heading back to 3 per cent growth this year.
Coincidentally or not, the same week that the survey was released, Germany's center-right chancellor, Angela Merkel, declared that Germany's attempts to build a multicultural society have "absolutely failed."

(More here.)


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