SMRs and AMRs

Sunday, October 31, 2010

The Day D.C. Went Sane

It may not have had the biting edge of its hosts' late-night comedy shows, but Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert's rally drew a huge crowd that went crazy for sanity. Howard Kurtz reports.

PLUS: Watch the rally's 7 best moments!

It was a bit of an insane scene getting to the sanity rally.

The size of the crowds took everyone — at least in the professional prognostication class — by surprise.

Maybe Jon Stewart is as big as Glenn Beck. Maybe bigger. Maybe passionate moderation is underrated. Or maybe these hordes of people have nothing better to do on a bright, crisp fall afternoon than to gather in the shadow of the Capitol and shout for sanity.

They kept pouring off the streets to ear-splitting music, carrying such restrained signs as "Less Douche-y, More Truthy" and "Repeating something at increasing volume does not make it true" (along with the odd "Legalize Marijuana"). They filled the vast expanse of the Mall, stretching nearly to the Washington Monument. They were mostly young, mostly well-behaved, mostly intent on having a good time rather than, say, stomping on a protestor's head.

(Continued here.)


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