SMRs and AMRs

Wednesday, September 08, 2010

Tea Party today's Know Nothing movement

DeWayne Wickham
USA Today

With Labor Day behind us, the nation's voters now are expected to treat more seriously the election campaigns they thus far have given short shrift.

To say that up until now Americans have not paid much attention to the election process would be a reassuring explanation for the success of the "Tea Party" candidates who espouse views that threaten to turn this nation and its founding document upside down.

Tea Party-backed candidates who have won the Republican U.S. Senate nomination in Kentucky, Alaska, Utah, Nevada and Colorado harbor views on a range of issues — like immigration, and the Second and 14th Amendments — that ought to frighten thinking voters into the arms of their opponents.

Rand Paul, the Tea Party-backed GOP Senate candidate in Kentucky, blurted out during post-election interviews that he thinks Congress went too far in outlawing racial discrimination by owners of private property. He also said that neighborhood associations and private business owners should be free to discriminate on the basis of race. He has backtracked on both these positions with doubletalk that falls far short of what sounds like a true change of heart.

(More here.)


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