SMRs and AMRs

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Republicans ride the tea party tiger

By Dan Balz
Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Call it a civil war, an insurrection or merely an insurgency. By any measure, the establishment leadership of the Republican Party has lost control and is now being pulled along toward an unpredictable, uncertain future.

What happened Tuesday in Delaware, where conservative Christine O'Donnell shocked moderate Rep. Michael Castle in the Senate primary, may have been the snapping point inside a party whose leaders have watched nervously as "tea party" activists delivered a series of embarrassing rebukes to establishment-backed candidates in primaries across the country.

The overnight reactions split dramatically inside the GOP, judging from e-mails flowing in the wee hours, as party strategists and others attempted to digest what by all accounts was the most stunning outcome in a year of surprises.

Good for the tea partiers, said some GOP strategists. They are the leading edge of an anti-Washington movement that will wipe out the Democrats in November and threaten President Obama's reelection hopes in 2012. Message trumps messenger and the message this year is stop the madness in Washington. People in, Washington out!

(More here.)


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