SMRs and AMRs

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Garrison Keillor: Michele Bachmann 'Embarrassing' To Minnesota

First Posted: 09-30-10

Legendary humorist and radio host Garrison Keillor has come out swinging against Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-Minn.) in her campaign for reelection, calling Bachmann "embarrassing to me and a great many Minnesotans" in a letter disseminated by the campaign of her opponent, Democrat Tarryl Clark.

Tea party favorite Bachmann, who infamously suggested in the run up to her 2008 reelection that the media investigate whether members of Congress are "pro-American or anti-American," has spent too much time pontificating on similar issues and not enough time working on behalf of her constituents, Keillor charged.

"It's embarrassing to me and a great many Minnesotans that Michele Bachmann, a politician who is so busy grandstanding and giving interviews on Fox News that she doesn't have time to serve the people who elected her, represents the 6th District in Washington," wrote Keillor, the longtime host of radio show "A Prairie Home Companion," who says his fictional Minnesota town of Lake Wobegon falls squarely within Bachmann's district.

"Minnesota's 6th District has some of the highest foreclosure and unemployment rates in the state, but in an interview with the St. Cloud Times, Congresswoman Bachmann was unable to name any "substantive" legislation she had passed," Keillor added.

(More here.)


Blogger Patrick Dempsey said...

This is so funny! From a guy who got rich off the tax payers.

Patrick Dempsey: Garrison Keillor 'Embarassing' To Minnesota

8:50 PM  

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