SMRs and AMRs

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Democrats Use Power of Majority to Pursue Agenda


WASHINGTON — The Senate on Thursday approved a multi-billion dollar package of tax breaks and government-backed loans for small businesses, as Democrats sought to use the muscle of their majorities to pursue a Congressional agenda that would make their case for retaining control in the House and Senate this fall.

After surmounting months of Republican opposition to approve the small-business measure and send it to the House, Democrats — over sharp Republican objections — set up a floor showdown for next week over a Pentagon policy bill that also touches on the politically charged issues of immigration and gay men, lesbians and bisexuals in the military.

The Pentagon bill would not only allow the repeal of the “don’t ask, don’t tell” policy, but would also include legislation that would provide a path to citizenship for illegal immigrants who arrive in the United States before age 16, reside here for five years, earn a high school degree and complete two years of college or military service.

The immigration language is being added at the behest of the Senate majority leader, Harry Reid, who is eager to mobilize Hispanic voters for his re-election campaign in Nevada, and it reflects a broader Democratic effort to secure support from Hispanic Americans nationwide by promising a comprehensive immigration bill in the future.

(More here.)


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