SMRs and AMRs

Saturday, September 04, 2010

The Cry for Democratic Moral Leadership and Effective Communication

Thursday 02 September 2010
by: George Lakoff,
t r u t h o u t | Op-Ed

If you have not read Drew Westin's outstanding piece "What Created the Populist Explosion and How Democrats Can Avoid the Shrapnel in November" on The Huffington Post, AlterNet, and other venues, read it immediately. Westin states as eloquently and forcefully as anyone what he, I, and other progressives have been saying from the beginning of the Obama administration. I agree fully with everything he says. But ...

Westin's piece is incomplete in crucial ways. His piece can be read as saying that this election is about kitchen table economics (right) and only kitchen table economics (wrong).

This election is about more than just jobs and mortgages and adequate health care. All politics is moral. All political leaders say to do what they propose because it is right. No political leaders say to do what they say because it is wrong. Morality is behind everything in politics - and progressives and conservatives have different moral systems.

(More here.)


Blogger Tom said...

Voluntary action by free citizens is moral. Using the force of government, including the purchase of health insurance is hardly moral. I thought government was supposed to be the gaurdian of freedom, not the limiting force. There are a number of oddities in what progressives consider moral, including this one as pointed out by Ben Stein "Fathom the odd hypocrisy that Obama wants every citizen to prove they are insured, but people don't have to prove they are citizens". Where are progressives headed, think like me and I'll let you be?

9:10 AM  

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