SMRs and AMRs

Friday, August 06, 2010

Terrence Lakin, Army 'Birther,' Charged With Disobeying Orders


WASHINGTON — An Army doctor has been charged with disobeying orders after failing to show up for duty in Afghanistan and questioning whether President Barack Obama has the right to order him there.

Lt. Col. Terrence Lakin is scheduled to be arraigned Friday at Fort Belvoir, Va.

The Greeley, Colo., native did not report to Fort Campbell, Ky., in April to prepare for deployment.

Lakin said in a YouTube video that he chose to disobey orders and was inviting his own court-martial. He says he wants to see Obama's birth certificate as proof Obama was born in the U.S., as presidents must be, and thus that the deployment order for Afghanistan is legal.

Hawaiian officials say they have records proving Obama was born there, but so-called birthers challenge that.

(More here.)


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