SMRs and AMRs

Monday, August 09, 2010

Familiar Story in Nevada: Republicans on Offensive


Midterm election campaigns, by their nature, knit together a diffuse patchwork of story lines. But the Nevada Senate race distills the patterns of 2010 as well as any.

The Senate majority leader, Harry Reid, is facing mocking attacks from Republicans for asserting that his work with President Obama and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi is “paying off.”

“Paying off for his friends in Washington,” says a Republican advertisement depicting the three leaders side by side. “But leaving Nevada with what?”

Mr. Reid, using a campaign treasury approaching $20 million, is highlighting the concrete benefits of his power. In one recent advertisement, a Vietnam War veteran injured by Agent Orange declared that a new Veterans Affairs hospital in Nevada “is being built for one reason — Harry Reid.”

(More here.)


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