SMRs and AMRs

Sunday, May 30, 2010

May's Big Selloff Could Be Just the Beginning


Are you ready for a lot more turmoil?

You had better be -- because there's a good chance that's what you're going to get.

Nobody knows for certain, of course. All stock-market predictions need to be taken with a little salt. But there are reasons to suspect that the sudden plunges of the past few weeks may be unhappy omens of what's to come.

Like last week, with stocks lurching wildly with the headlines -- up by triple digits one day, down the next. For the month, the Dow Jones Industrial Average dropped 7.9% and is negative for the year. The Nasdaq Composite and the Standard & Poor's 500-stock index also are in the red for the year.

Some pretty smart people are cautious. Seth Klarman at Baupost Group is worried. John Hussman of the Hussman Funds says all sorts of warning lights have lit up across his screen. Even Ron Muhlenkamp of the Muhlenkamp Fund, who usually takes a sunnier view of things, says he has moved a big chunk of his mutual fund into cash in case there's a plunge.

(More here.)


Blogger Minnesota Central said...

Crazy Thought of the Day :

With the Bush tax cuts set to expire which will push income tax rates up on dividend income and capital gains ... would supporters of tax cuts be willing to sell now so as to influence the 401k valuations held my the general public ... in hopes of electing Republicans that will hold firm to renewing the Bush tax cuts ?
They can easily lock in profits now and buy at lower valuations later.

Admittedly, many Democrats would probably go along with keeping some - if not all - of the Bush tax cuts, but Republicans will be firm.

8:47 AM  

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