Tea Party Leader Mark Williams Says Muslims Worship "Monkey God"
From HuffPost
UPDATE: Mark Williams has written another blog post apologizing -- to Hindus.
No mention of an apology to Muslims.
As the Huffington Post first reported Monday, Mark Williams, the national Tea Party leader, is at it again.
In a rant against a planned 13-story mosque to be built near the World Trade Center site, Williams claims that Muslims worship a "monkey god."
Unsurprisingly, this has angered Muslims nationwide.
From Williams' blog:
UPDATE: Mark Williams has written another blog post apologizing -- to Hindus.
No mention of an apology to Muslims.
As the Huffington Post first reported Monday, Mark Williams, the national Tea Party leader, is at it again.
In a rant against a planned 13-story mosque to be built near the World Trade Center site, Williams claims that Muslims worship a "monkey god."
Unsurprisingly, this has angered Muslims nationwide.
From Williams' blog:
The monument would consist of a Mosque for the worship of the terrorists' monkey-god (repeat: "the terrorists' monkey-god." if you feel that fits a description of Allah then that is your own deep-seated emotional baggage not mine, talk to the terrorists who use Allah as their excuse and the Muslims who apologize for and rationalize them) and a "cultural center" to propagandize for the extermination of all things not approved by their cult. It is a project of American Society for Muslim Advancement and the Cordoba Initiative, essentially the same group of apologists (but under 2 different names) for terrorists and the animals who use it as a terrorist ideology. They cloak their evil with new age gibberish that suggests Islam is just misunderstood.(Original here, with hotlinks.)
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