SMRs and AMRs

Sunday, March 07, 2010

Updating our political dictionaries

Steve Benen
from Political Animal

Josh Marshall had a very short item the other day that I've been meaning to mention. He was helping readers understand the new political "lexicon."
"Jamming it through": to vote on a bill.
It got me thinking about how we should all update our understandings of political terms that had fairly straightforward definitions up until fairly recently.
  • "Obstructionism," for example, only refers to Democratic minorities opposing Republican proposals.
  • "Tyranny" is found when an elected Democratic majority passes legislation that Republicans don't like.
  • "Reconciliation" describes a Senate process that Republicans are allowed to use to overcome Democratic "obstructionism."
  • "Terrorism" refers to acts of political violence committed by people who aren't white guys.
  • "Bipartisanship" is found when Democrats agree to pass Republican legislation.
  • "Big government" describes a dangerous phenomenon to be avoided, except in cases relating reproductive rights or gays.
  • "Treason" refers to Democrats criticizing a Republican administration during a war.
  • "Patriotism" refers to Republicans criticizing a Democratic administration during a war.
  • "Fiscal responsibility" is a national priority related to keeping our budget in check, which only applies when Republicans are in the minority.
  • "Parliamentarian" is a seemingly independent official on the Hill who Senate Republicans are allowed to fire when the GOP disapproves of his/her rulings.
See how fun this is? Consider this an open thread for your own submissions.

(Original here.)


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