VA medical care touted for high quality, low cost
"... the VA experience shows that it's possible for government to be a good player, an accountable player in that mix." — Dr. Greg Felice.Doctors say VA care is a model of efficiency
by Lorna Benson, Minnesota Public Radio
August 18, 2009
Minneapolis — One argument against a public insurance option in the current debate over health care is that government typically isn't as efficient or proficient as the private sector. But some say that the Department of Veteran Affairs medical care is actually an excellent example of how the government is leading on health care quality and cost.
A third of the nation's 24 million veterans get their health care from the VA. Most qualify because they have an injury or illness that is in some way connected to their military service.
The Minneapolis VA has 80,000 patients who receive care at the hospital and its affiliated clinics. This year, the government is giving the medical center about $500 million to care for those vets. That's a lot of money, but that's also a lot of patients - including some with very traumatic injuries.
(Continued here, with audio.)
Labels: healthcare, medical care, veterans administration
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