White Man’s Last Stand
You can’t judge a judge by her cover.
Despite the best efforts of Republicans to root out any sign that Sonia Sotomayor has emotions that color her views on the law, the Bronx Bomber kept a robotic mask in place.
A wise Latina woman with the richness of her experiences would more often than not know that a gaggle of white Republican men afraid of extinction are out to trip her up.
After all, these guys have never needed to speak inspirational words to others like them, as Sotomayor has done. They’ve had codes, handshakes and clubs to do that.
(Continued here.)
IMO, the most interesting questioning was done by Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC) who touched upon a number of topics including judicial termperment, abortion, funding of abortion, military justice, etc. Yet, the most interesting was his comment about women in politics and the judiciary.
GRAHAM: And I hope one day that there will be more women serving in elected office and judicial offices in the Mid-East because I can tell you this, from my point of view. One of the biggest problems in Iraq and Afghanistan is the mother’s voice is seldom heard about the fate of her children.
And if you wanted to change Iraq, apply the rule of law and have more women involved and having a say about Iraq. And I believe that about Afghanistan. And I think that’s true here.
I think, for a long time, a lot of talented women were asked, can you type? And were trying to get beyond that and improve as a nation.
So when it comes to the idea that we should consciously try to include more people in the legal process and the judicial process, from different backgrounds, count me in.
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Sounds great, but before the Republicans want to change the Mid-East maybe they need to look around the room and ask why they only have males on the Judiciary Committee. Kay Bailey Hutchinson (R-TX) and Lisa Ann Murkowski (R-AK) are attorneys yet both are not on the panel although Dr. Tom Coburn (R-OK) and farmer Chuck Grassley (R-IA) are.
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Worst questioning was from Senator John Kyl who could not get her to commit to recuse herself from Supreme Court cases that maybe similar to cases that she ruled on at the Appelet level. She agreed that she would recuse herself from cases that went through her District, but not if the case went through over Districts.
Overall, she held her ground very well.
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