Losing the Races
The Republicans are sending mixed signals and making missteps on race. While some bemoan the dearth of minorities in the party, others seem bent on ensuring it. At last week’s Young Republican National Convention, Michael Steele joked that he would welcome blacks to the party with “fried chicken and potato salad.” At the same meeting, the group threw racial sensitivity to the wind by electing a woman as its president even though she had a racially offensive exchange on her Facebook page.
Then there was the awkward juxtaposition of Senator Jeff Sessions, the ranking Republican on the Senate Judiciary Committee, going after Judge Sonia Sotomayor, the Supreme Court nominee, over racial language in her speeches. This is the same Sessions whose own nomination to the federal court was torpedoed after reports emerged that he had called the N.A.A.C.P. “communist-inspired,” but once joked that he had thought the Ku Klux Klan was “O.K.”
Finally, there was the acerbic Pat Buchanan, who suggested this week that Republicans should mount an all-out, reverse-discrimination assault on Sotomayor as part of an effort to win back the G.O.P.’s lost white voters. According to him, she’s “a political activist whose career bespeaks a lifelong resolve to discriminate against white males.”
(More here.)
What should the Republicans do when faced with the choices they have ?
Blow mentions the recent election for Chairman of the Young Republicans Federation. Yes, they picked someone who ignored racists comments (it wasn't just recently but last Halloween there were "jokes" about costumes with nooses and Obama's face.) But here's the good news ... the person that came in second (losing by less than 10%) who's claim to fame is election fraud.
Remember when South Dakota’s Tom Daschle (D) lost the 2004 election to Republican John Thune by 4534 votes.
Were any of those votes fraud votes ?
YES, Rachel Hoff pled guilty to the misdemeanor of notarizing absentee ballot signatures without actually witnessing them during the 2004 South Dakota Senate election. She wasn’t the only one … Republicans, Jennifer Giannonatti and Nathan Mertz, resigned from their leadership roles in the state Federation of College Republicans after questions were raised about possible irregularities in absentee ballot requests. John Thune’s own nephew, Jeff Thune, stated that he was a notary public and had witnessed about 75 absentee ballot requests … he was not. There were at least six people that were charged.
And the reward is not only John Thune in the US Senate but TODAY Rachel Hoff was a candidate for Chairman of the Young Republican Federation.
Progress for the GOP is rejecting voter fraud even if it means accepting racists.
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