Health Care for Dummies
By Dana Milbank
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
"We need to bring new language to this debate," Republican message man Alex Castellanos wrote in a memo to fellow GOP strategists this month. "If we paint the house the same color, no one will notice anything has changed: We will still be the same, outdated Republicans who have no new ideas and oppose everything."
Castellanos, a consultant to the Republican National Committee, offered poll-tested language that the party could use to kill President Obama's health-care legislation in Congress. "If we slow this sausage-making process down, we can defeat it," he reasoned.
RNC Chairman Michael Steele must have liked what he read. When he gave a speech at the National Press Club on Monday, he all but read aloud from Castellanos's memo.
"Slow down, Mr. President: We can't afford to get health care wrong," said the memo.
"Slow down, Mr. President: We can't afford to get health care wrong," said the chairman.
(Continued here.)
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
"We need to bring new language to this debate," Republican message man Alex Castellanos wrote in a memo to fellow GOP strategists this month. "If we paint the house the same color, no one will notice anything has changed: We will still be the same, outdated Republicans who have no new ideas and oppose everything."
Castellanos, a consultant to the Republican National Committee, offered poll-tested language that the party could use to kill President Obama's health-care legislation in Congress. "If we slow this sausage-making process down, we can defeat it," he reasoned.
RNC Chairman Michael Steele must have liked what he read. When he gave a speech at the National Press Club on Monday, he all but read aloud from Castellanos's memo.
"Slow down, Mr. President: We can't afford to get health care wrong," said the memo.
"Slow down, Mr. President: We can't afford to get health care wrong," said the chairman.
(Continued here.)
Very interesting.
And the MSM is falling for it.
Chris Matthews had Steele as his guest yesterday and showed clips of the National Press Club event ... but not the crowd ... 20 People ! My guess is that Matthews only saw the feed and not the audience.
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