Coleman's Handling of Recount Battle Darkens His Political Future
Voters said by 54 percent to 26 percent that Coleman's handling of the recount made it less likely they'd support him for governor or some other office while 20 percent said it made no difference. Coleman is viewed unfavorably by 52 percent of voters and favorably by 38 percent with 11 percent not sure.
Matched in a general election contest against three Democrats, Coleman trails two and leads one.
Former Democratic Sen. Mark Dayton leads Coleman 41 percent to 39 percent with 20 percent undecided; Minneapolis Mayor R.T. Rybak leads Coleman 43 percent to 37 percent with 19 percent undecided, and Coleman leads Speaker of the House Margaret Anderson Kelliher by 42 percent to 34 percent with 24 percent undecided.
(More here.)
If you read the PPP poll detail, Coleman actually comes out pretty good ... considering. The poll probably does not reflect who will make up the 2010 Governor voters as it probably includes too many young people that may not come out to vote in the percent represented in the survey. Coleman did poorly in the Moderate mid-age group and Retirees ... groups that he can probably recover. Remember this is a non-Presidential and non-Senatorial election year, so turnout is typically down ... and the Republicans will be out to defend Bachmann, Kline and Paulsen as well as all the State Legislators (MCCL and NRA will bring their members out.)
Dayton really polled badly as did MA Kelliher when you look at Favorables -v- Unfavorables.
All that said, this really is a worthless poll. There was no consideration of the Independence Party which Penny and Hutchinson took votes letting Pawlenty eek out a couple victories. And with Bill Cooper supporting Marty Siefert, IMO he will be the Republican standard bearer ... and Siefert was even polled.
BTW, PPP released today a poll of Minnesota voters pitting Obama -v- Pawlenty. Obama won quite easily as only 6% of people that viewed Obama in a positive way would shift their vote to Pawlenty. Overall, Minnesotans now rate Pawlenty's unfavorables higher than favorables. In the same poll, Palin polled almost as well as Pawlenty.
The only favorable Minnesota politician polled was Senator Klobuchar ... who had strong FAV to UNFAV rating.
I forgot to include the link to the Pawlenty/Obama poll in my earlier comment.
Senator Klobuchar has an overall favorable approval rating by 56% of the participants including strong numbers from Moderates (68%) and Conservatives (24%). Her Unfavorable was only 30 (primarily from Conservatives).
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