SMRs and AMRs

Friday, March 06, 2009

The GOP's Limbaugh Dilemma

Radio Host's Prominence Underscores Party's Challenge to Forge New Identity

Wall Street Journal

Mr. Limbaugh dominated headlines this week, as a drive by the White House and other top Democrats to paint him as the leader of the Republican Party left the GOP flummoxed. Michael Steele, the new chairman of the Republican National Committee, illustrated his party's dilemma, first calling Mr. Limbaugh's style "ugly," then phoning him to apologize. One committee member labeled Mr. Steele's handling of the matter a "Republican Horror Show" and called on him step down just weeks after taking on the job.

Behind the political theater lay a fundamental challenge for a party seeking a way out of the wilderness after last November's drubbing. Republican leaders and activists are grappling with how to joust with a popular new president, particularly after years of being accused of embracing a cutthroat style of politics.

Yet some Republicans also sense openings in the early days of the Obama presidency. They argue that Democrats may be overreaching with an ambitious big-government agenda and that voters will turn to Republicans once they absorb the impact of spending bills that greatly expand the deficit without, they contend, doing much to stimulate the economy.

(More here.)


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