SMRs and AMRs

Monday, February 02, 2009

'I am the Speaker of the House'

By: Glenn Thrush and John Bresnahan
February 2, 2009

When the book is written on Nancy Pelosi’s reign as speaker of the House, the thinnest chapter just might turn out to be: “Bipartisanship and the 111th Congress.”

To hear her aides and associates tell it, Pelosi entered last week on her best bipartisan behavior, hoping that billions in tax cuts would be enough to lure six to 10 Republican House members to vote for the $819 billion stimulus plan.

To Republicans, it was a typical Pelosi pose — and they accused her of ramming one of the biggest spending bills in history down their throats while scaling back President Barack Obama’s tax-cut proposal to fund 40 years’ worth of liberal wish-list items.

In the end, the GOP unleashed a Rush-and-Drudge media campaign on funding for contraceptives and resodding of the National Mall tucked into the package — and Pelosi was genuinely surprised that every single Republican House member voted against it.

(More here.)


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