SMRs and AMRs

Friday, February 27, 2009

Gov. Bobby Jindal speech on national stage gets woeful reviews

(AP Photo/Bill Feig) In his office at the Governors Mansion, Gov. Bobby Jindal works on the Republican Party response to President Barack Obama's address to Congress.

by Jan Moller, The (New Orleans) Times-Picayune
February 25, 2009

BATON ROUGE -- From the blogosphere to the 24-hour cable news networks to the steps of the state Capitol, the reaction to Gov. Bobby Jindal's 10-minute address to the country Tuesday night was hardly what the lifelong A student has come to expect.

Critics from the left and the right said Jindal's delivery was too slow and condescending, and that the content failed to deliver a new vision for a party that has been battered at the polls in two elections. It was a rare public relations setback for a politician who often has had a charmed relationship with the media since being elected the nation's youngest governor in 2007.

"Simplistic, almost childish, " was how Juan Williams, of the reliably conservative Fox News Channel described Jindal's response to President Barack Obama's address to a joint session of Congress.

(More here.)


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