SMRs and AMRs

Thursday, February 05, 2009

Al Franken, move over: Here's Amy!

Klobuchar, a Laugh a Minute at Press Dinner

Hands down, Sen. Amy Klobuchar (D-Minn.) was the star at last night's annual congressional press dinner, where Dick Cheney, Joe Biden and the Fourth Estate became the butt of jokes.

"This could be the first time Lou Dobbs tries to deport an entire newspaper," Klobuchar said about the potential takeover of the New York Times by Mexican billionaire Carlos Slim Helu.

On political fundraising, the senator noted her own ability to raise $17,000 in campaign contributions from ex-boyfriends. "I know in the House that record is held by Barney Frank," she said.

John Edwards' talk of "two Americas," she said, "turned out to be the best pickup line of all time."

Throughout her shtick, Klobuchar, a rising star elected in 2006, elicited rousing laughter in the cozy audience of Washington print journalists and the politicians they cover. She even made fun of the Purple Tunnel of Doom Inauguration Day debacle in which thousands who came to witness history were instead frozen out.

"So much for Democrats being against torture," she joked.

She showed a slide presentation of her inauguration scrapbook, including a photo of Aretha Franklin in her famously fabulous, big hat. Klobuchar said it was a tough choice, but security clearly decided that rather than let another 50,000 people into the swearing-in ceremony "we'll go with the hat."

(The article is here.)


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