SMRs and AMRs

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

When Inaugural Speeches Work

From Lincoln's 'malice toward none' to JFK's Cold War creed; FDR's 'fear itself' was used in advertising
Wall Street Journal

Knowing the expectations that hang over an inaugural address, presidents-elect agonize in trying to craft a document for the ages. James A. Garfield, for one, vowed to read each of the 19 speeches that preceded his own, ultimately delegating the task to an assistant. Little matter: efforts to write an immortal piece of rhetoric -- whether by Democrats or Republicans, with speechwriters or alone -- almost always fail. A few contribute memorable lines, like Ronald Reagan's pithy summation of his philosophy from 1981: "In this present crisis, government is not the solution to our problem; government is the problem." But in general, for all the anticipation, the substance of most kick-off speeches is soon forgotten.
Obama's Inauguration

Over the decades, indeed, only a few have gained canonical status -- for the sublimity of their prose, the eloquence of their delivery or the aptness of their message for a concurrent crisis. Widely credited with writing stirring prose and with speaking mellifluously, Barack Obama will get rave reviews even if he reads straight from the Federal Register. But, taking office at a time of no little urgency, he still might seek to live up to his reputation by consulting a few of the classics. Herewith, one historian's opinion of five of the best.

(More here.)


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