SMRs and AMRs

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Saudi Prince: Bush Left "Sickening Legacy" In Middle East

DONNA ABU-NASR | January 24, 2009

RIYADH, Saudi Arabia — Saudi Arabia's ex-ambassador to Washington said former President George W. Bush left a "sickening legacy" in the Middle East and warned that U.S.-Saudi relations would be at risk if the Obama administration doesn't change America's policy in the region.

Prince Turki al-Faisal's unusually tough words were the latest blunt assessment by the Saudi royal family that prospects for Arab-Israeli peace are growing dim unless dramatic policy changes are made.

Turki said he strongly promoted the Arab-Israeli peace process in his decades as a public servant. But after Israel's three-week assault in the Gaza Strip, the prince said, "these pleas for optimism and co-operation now seem a distant memory," he said in a Financial Times op-ed published Friday.

The kingdom has resisted calls for a holy war against Israel, "but every day this restraint becomes more difficult to maintain," he added.

(More here.)


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