SMRs and AMRs

Tuesday, January 06, 2009

Obama Warns About Years of Trillion-Dollar Deficits


WASHINGTON — President-elect Barack Obama on Tuesday braced Americans for the unparalleled prospect of “trillion-dollar deficits for years to come,” a stark assessment of the economic condition facing the country that he said would force his administration to impose tighter fiscal discipline on the government.

Mr. Obama sought to draw a distinction between the need to run what would likely be record deficits by any measure for the next several years and the necessity to begin bringing them down substantially in following years. Even as he prepares a stimulus package that is likely to total in the range of $800 billion in new spending and tax cuts over the next two years, he said he would seek to make sure that money is used wisely and that he would work with Congress to implement spending controls and efficiency measures throughout the federal budget.

“I’m going to be willing to make some very difficult choices in how we get a handle on his deficit,” Mr. Obama said, speaking about the dire fiscal outlook as he met with his top economic advisers for a second straight day. “That’s what the American people are looking for and, you know, what we intended to do this year.”

Mr. Obama sought to reassure lawmakers, as well as the financial markets, that he is aware of the long-term dangers of running huge deficits. Big deficits force the government to borrow more money, saddling future generations with large financial burdens. The problem is especially acute now because credit markets, which at times in recent months have been all but frozen as the financial system has been buffeted, could be further strained by the need to finance the huge deficit.

(More here.)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

“Now the government is in the same position of the auto companies, but they haven’t come up with any plan for sustainability.” - New York Times

Sustainable Land ­Development: Building a Bridge to a New Global Culture

Amid all the bad news and demands being placed on the President-elect Obama transition team, Sustainable Land Development International (SLDI) offers a reason to hope for the future by formally submitting its offer of assistance to help boost the team's economic recovery plan and policy agenda – and save the country billions in the process -

SLDI, a developer-led and cooperatively-owned technology and information resource association, is now fully positioned to transform the industry that creates the very infrastructure of our civilization. Sustainable development starts with our global infrastructure. If it is unsustainable, ultimately nothing else can be. Featured products and services include green building technology, clean energy technology, ecosystem restoration, carbon sequestration technology, soil enhancement technology, water purification and retention technology, sustainable land development best practices systems and certification programs.

Your participation and comments are welcome.

Terry Mock
Executive Director
Sustainable Land Development International
SLDI Newsletter -

Promoting and enabling land development worldwide that balances the needs of people, planet & profit - for today and future generations.

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