SMRs and AMRs

Monday, January 19, 2009

Commentary: Adios, Dubya. Vaya con Dios

Joseph L. Galloway
McClatchy Newspapers

last updated: January 16, 2009

He's leaving the same way he arrived eight years ago: Clueless and somehow unable to discern up from down, right from left and right from wrong.

George W. Bush, who famously styled himself as The Decider, said a formal farewell to America in a nationally televised address from that bully pulpit, the White House.

It was largely a paraphrasing of Frank Sinatra’s rendition of My Way:

"Mistakes there've been a few, but too few to mention . . . ."

The eminence gris of his administration, Dick Cheney, was front and center.

(More here.)


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