SMRs and AMRs

Saturday, December 13, 2008

MN-Sen Events 26.0 Franken Rises Edition

by WineRev
from Daily Kos

Sat Dec 13, 2008

(From the diaries. Anyone would be hard pressed to come up with a better recap of the state of the Minnesota recount -- kos)

Yumpin' yimminy, uffda! By the beard of St. Olaf EVERYTHING happened yesterday in the great Minnesota Recount: Canvassing Board, ballots of every species, attorneys, an attorney general, people coming out in 20 degree weather to cram the hearing room carrying signs and buttons "Count every vote"! New and old media acting like journalists, Kossacks putting up diaries on the front page (that skinny Kos kid did one again; man does George Soros like him or what?), bloggers blogging AND:

Al Franken's prospects for Senate took such a definite turn for the better that the Coleman campaign has gone to court (a sure sign a Repub. is losing? Batting average the past 8 years says YES.)

(More here.)


Blogger Tom said...

It appears that the Democratic Canvassing Board is going to count and count and count until it gets the result it wants. I did not vote for Coleman because he is too liberal for my tastes. I do have an extreme distaste for the way this so called re-count is being conducted and suspect that if it were a Republican Canvassing Board Vox Verax, "The Truth," would be howling. I think a better term for Vox Verax is Dimidium Verum or Half Truth.

4:49 PM  

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