SMRs and AMRs

Thursday, December 11, 2008

GOP Signals Heated Confirmation Battle Over Holder

Sam Stein

More signs have emerged that Eric Holder's nomination for Attorney General will face a bitter committee fight as Republican Senators on Thursday criticized Holder's work in the Clinton White House and even attempted to tie him to disgraced Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich

Addressing the Senate during what was ostensibly a session to debate the auto industry bailout, Sens. Chuck Grassley (R-IA) and Jon Kyl (R-AZ) both took to the floor to raise objections not just to the current date for confirmation hearings, which they would like to delay, but to various episodes from Holder's past.

Grassley came first, charging that Holder is "not a nominee free and clear of issues." He went on to recite a laundry list of conservative complaints with some of the Clinton Justice Department actions in which Holder took part.

"For example," Grassley began, "there are red flags about Mr. Holder's judgment and independence, including his role in securing pardons or clemency for an unrepentant billionaire fugitive tax cheat like Marc Rich or terrorists like members of the FALN [Fuerzas Armadas de Liberación Nacional] and the Weather Underground. A lot of people, including this senator, have found these facts to be troubling... In addition, Mr. Holder has been in private practice since he left the Clinton Justice Department over eight years ago. It's important that we know what Mr. Holder has been doing in those eight years, which cases he's been involved with and who his clients are, what speeches he's made and so forth.

(More here.)


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