SMRs and AMRs

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Democratic Leaders Say Senate Won’t Seat Burris If Governor Names Him to Obama’s Seat

By Greg Giroux and Jonathan Allen
CQ Staff

Senate Democratic leaders warned Illinois Democratic Gov. Rod R. Blagojevich on Tuesday that they will refuse to seat Roland W. Burris, a former state attorney general, if Blagojevich appoints him to the seat vacated by President-elect Barack Obama .

Blagojevich was expected to announce his appointment of Burris at a press conference in Chicago at 3 p.m. EST. But it appeared likely to prove a hollow offering.

“It is truly regrettable that despite requests from all 50 Democratic senators and public officials throughout Illinois, Gov. Blagojevich would take the imprudent step of appointing someone to the United States Senate who would serve under a shadow and be plagued by questions of impropriety,” said Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid , D-Nev., and the rest of the Democratic leadership team.

“We say this without prejudice toward Roland Burris’s ability, and we respect his years of public service. But this is not about Mr. Burris; it is about the integrity of a governor accused of attempting to sell this United States Senate seat. Under these circumstances, anyone appointed by Gov. Blagojevich cannot be an effective representative of the people of Illinois and, as we have said, will not be seated by the Democratic Caucus.”

(More here.)


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