SMRs and AMRs

Sunday, November 30, 2008

The GOP's McCarthy gene

Think Goldwater is the father of conservatism? Think again.
By Neal Gabler
(TM comment: Good piece but he doesn't give enough "credit" to Richard Nixon/Pat Buchanan for their racist Southern Strategy, which further aroused the oogedy-boogedy branch of the GOP.)

November 30, 2008

Ever since the election, partisans within the Republican Party and observers outside it have been speculating wildly about what direction the GOP will take to revive itself from its disaster. Or, more specifically, which wing of the party will prevail in setting the new Republican course -- whether it will be what conservative writer Kathleen Parker has called the "evangelical, right-wing, oogedy-boogedy" branch or the more pragmatic, intellectual, centrist branch. To determine the answer, it helps to understand exactly how Republicans arrived at this spot in the first place.

The creation myth of modern conservatism usually begins with Barry Goldwater, the Arizona senator who was the party's presidential standard-bearer in 1964 and who, even though he lost in one of the biggest landslides in American electoral history, nevertheless wrested the party from its Eastern establishment wing. Then, Richard Nixon co-opted conservatism, talking like a conservative while governing like a moderate, and drawing the opprobrium of true believers. But Ronald Reagan embraced it wholeheartedly, becoming the patron saint of conservatism and making it the dominant ideology in the country. George W. Bush picked up Reagan's fallen standard and "conservatized" government even more thoroughly than Reagan had, cheering conservatives until his presidency came crashing down around him. That's how the story goes.

But there is another rendition of the story of modern conservatism, one that doesn't begin with Goldwater and doesn't celebrate his libertarian orientation. It is a less heroic story, and one that may go a much longer way toward really explaining the Republican Party's past electoral fortunes and its future. In this tale, the real father of modern Republicanism is Sen. Joe McCarthy, and the line doesn't run from Goldwater to Reagan to George W. Bush; it runs from McCarthy to Nixon to Bush and possibly now to Sarah Palin. It centralizes what one might call the McCarthy gene, something deep in the DNA of the Republican Party that determines how Republicans run for office, and because it is genetic, it isn't likely to be expunged any time soon.

The basic problem with the Goldwater tale is that it focuses on ideology and movement building, which few voters have ever really cared about, while the McCarthy tale focuses on electoral strategy, which is where Republicans have excelled.

(More here.)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is an absolute classic framing of the liberal/conservative debate in a single paragraph. Even though it's supposedly contrasting conservatives and centrists, the pattern is the same: "centrist" (or any other term that denotes a non-conservative) = "pragmatic, INTELLECTUAL"; while "conservative" (especially "evangelical" conservative [gasp!]) = "oogedy-boogedy". This pervasive asssertion that conservative evangelicals can't possibly be informed, or even intelligent, is an absolute crock, regardless of how many times it's repeated.

10:39 PM  
Blogger TM said...

In this case, it was framed by Kathleen Parker, a conservative columnist.

7:05 AM  

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