SMRs and AMRs

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Whatever happens in November, it will be no-win for Bill Clinton

Don Frederick
LA Times

Bill Clinton is destined to be disgruntled, no matter how Campaign '08 turns out. Former President Bill Clinton enjoyes campaigning for his wife, Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton but some say he does her more harm than good

That, at least, is the conclusion veteran political reporter and analyst Al Hunt reaches in his provocative new column for Bloomberg News.

Hunt pulls no punches in assessing how the ex-president's efforts -- which many have seen as frequently ham-handed -- to promote Hillary Clinton's candidacy have done her little good and deeply bruised his own reputation.

"The most talented and resilient politician of this generation," Hunt writes, "has damaged his standing with gaffes, political miscalculations and a series of paranoiac, volcanic eruptions.

"A common question these days among political heavyweights -- including longtime Clinton devotees -- is this: How can a guy this smart act so dumb?"

What most intrigued us, though, was Hunt's view, at column's end, of how the three possible November outcomes ...

would affect the former White House occupant.

(More here.)


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