SMRs and AMRs

Tuesday, March 04, 2008

Reverend Moon — Source of Right-Wing Funding and The Washington Times — Comes to Life in "Bad Moon Rising"

"It's sort of astonishing how many lobbyists and religious right operatives who claim to be these heroes of Christianity have worked so closely and become so entwined over the years with Reverend Moon, whose central message is that Jesus Christ was a failure, and that Moon had to be sent by God to make up for Jesus' bungling God's mission." — John Gorenfeld, author of Bad Moon Rising: How Reverend Moon Created The Washington Times, Seduced the Religious Right, and Built an American Empire
Remember Rev. Moon? You know the one who presided over mass marriages between strangers who believed in his cult?

The bizarre religious leader who had himself anointed in a bizarre ceremony in a Congressional office building?

The man who has poured tens of millions of dollars into The Washington Times in order to provide a right-wing Republican propaganda newspaper for the GOP?

The man who presides over an international business empire, including being the "Sushi King"?

(Continued here.)


Blogger John Gorenfeld said...

Thanks for the kind post.

3:42 PM  

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