SMRs and AMRs

Sunday, February 24, 2008

The Smear Job - Round Three - Alabama GOP Mass Meltdown...

Larisa Alexandrovna

Apparently the Alabama GOP is having a massive nervous breakdown. Either the entire party is so up Karl Rove's ass that they are willing to self-destruct in order to defend him. Or, equally as disturbing, they are all equally corrupt and in defending him are defending themselves.

In one swift-boating non-stop lie-a-thon, the Rovian mechanism went splat, however, because their planted story - now being recycled - is entirely false. Please see first Scott Horton's piece at Harper's about how this magic propaganda laundry got it wrong.

After both the AP and the American Spectator laundered lies as news, the Alabama GOP then recycled their own lies in a mass mailing earlier this evening. But I think they have really underestimated the amount of evidence there is implicating the many faces and asses of Karl Rove.

Consider for a moment that the man who ran out front to claim he has never heard of whistle-blower Dana Jill Simpson, is Toby Roth. The Spectator apparently vets their sources based on insider hand-shakes, because Roth is a lobbyist who has close ties to ALL of the key players and at least 3 of the major scandals.

When a man like Roth comes out to call someone a liar, you have to wonder just how honest his friends, Michael Scanlon and Jack Abramoff, have been.

(Continued here.)


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