SMRs and AMRs

Monday, December 03, 2007

A Miracle: Honest Intel on Iran Nukes


By Ray McGovern
December 3, 2007

For those who have doubts about miracles, a double one occurred today. An honest National Intelligence Estimate (NIE) on Iran’s nuclear program has been issued and its Key Judgments were made public.

With redraft after redraft, it was what the Germans call “eine schwere Geburt”—a difficult birth, ten months in gestation.

I do not know how often Vice President Dick Cheney visited CIA Headquarters during the gestation period, but I am told he voiced his displeasure as soon as he saw the first sonogram/draft very early this year, and is so displeased with what issued that he has refused to be the godfather.

This time Cheney and his neo-con colleagues were unable to abort the process. And after delivery to the press, this child is going to be very hard to explain—the more so since it is legitimate.

The main points of the NIE:

“We judge that in fall 2003, Tehran halted its nuclear weapons program...

“We assess with moderate confidence Tehran has not restarted its nuclear weapons program as of mid-2007.

(Continued here.)


Blogger Minnesota Central said...

McGovern is right (as usual) … this is remarkable that the report was released. I would have thought the Bush Administration would have released only a coversheet version to heads of the Intelligence Committees while downplaying the rhetoric publicly. When will some responsible Senator on the Foreign Relations Committee (that should be Norm Coleman if he had a brain and guts) remember the Iraq Study Group recommendation that we talk with Iran … and publicly demand the State Department get busy?

Now, the other shoe needs to fall. Why do they continue to claim that Iran is supporting al Qaeda in Iraq … or even the insurgents? That makes no sense. Al-Qaeda and the Salafi Jhadists are Sunnis … Iran is Shiite … why would Iran help them. Iran wants a peaceful neighbor … the Shiites make pilgrimages to holy sites in Iraq. Iran and Iraq have developing economic ties. Al-Maliki and the Badr brigade are Shiites and escaped to Iran during Saddam’s reign. Remember the recent report of all the foreign fighters … Iranians were prominent in that they were missing. IF Iran really had infiltrated the borders and engaged in attacks on American troops, why haven’t they caught any? But the Administration keeps blaming the violence on Iran … and Sen. Clinton was mouthing the same talking points in today’s NPR radio debate.
Peace in Iraq can best be made by making peace with Iran.

10:17 PM  

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