SMRs and AMRs

Friday, December 14, 2007

Attacks Add for Obama

By Dana Milbank
Washington Post

When a Boy Scout sees an older woman, he helps her cross the street. In the race for the Democratic presidential nomination, Barack Obama is no Boy Scout.

The 46-year-old freshman senator from Illinois, trying to topple the 60-year-old front-runner, never once utters the words "Hillary" or "Clinton." But the target of his stump speech is unmistakable -- and his derision is brutal.

"Triangulating the poll-driven positions because we're worried about what Mitt or what Rudy might say about us just won't do," he says.

Take that, ol' girl.

"I'm sick and tired of Democrats thinking that the only way to look tough on national security is by talking and acting and voting like George Bush Republicans."

And there's more where that came from, granny.

"I don't want to spend 2008 fighting the same fights that we had in the 1990s -- that's exactly what Mitt and Rudy want."

Wonder who he's talking about there? How about here: "I'm not in this race to fulfill some long-held ambitions or because I believe it's somehow owed to me."

(Continued here.)


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