SMRs and AMRs

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

The Most Significant Second Amendment Case In History

Paul Helmke
Huffington Post

Last March, the District of Columbia saw judicial activism replace the will of the people.

Today, with news that the U.S. Supreme Court has taken the appeal of DC v. Heller, the Justices can set things right.

Over 30 years ago, the elected representatives on the DC City Council decided to enact a system of strict gun laws to help protect public safety. The people in DC strongly support these laws. The District's police strongly favor them as well.

The District's decision has been attacked over and over again by outside interests more concerned with pleasing the gun lobby than respecting the will of the people. Some in Congress have tried multiple times to overrule the District's preference for strict gun regulations, but have failed each time.

(Continued here.)


Blogger Minnesota Central said...

xsvkndjuThe Supreme Court agreeing to hear the case is good news for the Republican Party in general and bad news for John McCain.
The most prominent aspect of the Republican Party Presidential contenders is their lack of foreign affairs knowledge and experience ... except McCain. This clears the way for emphasizing domestic issues... but not the domestic issues that need attention (healthcare, the raiding of the social security reserve, national debt, etc.) but instead to emotional issues --- Guns, God, Gays, Abortion, etc. People like Rudy Giuliani and Fred Thompson can hide behind bluster and faux-toughguy image while McCain seems unable to get past his past problems with the hardcore conservatives. The one who seems to "get" the gun issue as a way to motivate voters is Mike Huckabee. Huckabee has his own Concealed Weapons Permit (CWP) and supports a national right-to-carry. He has commercials running in Iowa (with Chuck Norris) that features a strong message on support of gun owners. Guns + God has moved Huckabee in the polls in Iowa.
Not only do gun owners vote but their internal networks carry a lot of weight with their membership.
And combine that with the Federal Election Commission (FEC) approved new rules Tuesday that allow outside groups to run issue ads identifying federal candidates by name during the weeks before an election. So expect to see lots of NRA ads attacking whomever the Democrats nominate.

The impact of Republican domination as Presidents (from Nixon through Bush) has impacted the judiciary as wells as the regulatory agencies (SEC, FCC, FEC, EPA, etc.) ... by changing the rules, they change how we live. And George Bush did it best ... he campaigned complaining about a judiciary activism and excessive regulations ... now as President he has the opportunity to do just that ... but with people who share his philosophy.

8:54 PM  
Blogger Minnesota Central said...

In case you missed it, another Bush regulatory agency issued rulings yesterday that are opposed to the will of the people and a bi-partisian group of Senators.

The agency : The FCC

The issue : Control of TV and Newspapers.

My thoughts are on my blog here if you are interested.

9:43 AM  

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