SMRs and AMRs

Monday, November 26, 2007

Did Security Contractors Kill Colonel Westhusing?

By Larry Johnson, No Quarter

Here’s the story in a nutshell. A U.S. Army Colonel Ted Westhusing supervising U.S. security contractors may have been murdered to keep him silent about the fraud he witnessed. Westhusing allegedly killed himself in Iraq in 2005. Before deploying to Iraq he taught English at the U.S. Military Academy at West Point. But in Iraq instead of teaching poetry or writing, he supervised security contractors involved in training Iraqi police:
His formal title was director, counter terrorism/special operations, Civilian Police Assistance Training Team, Multi-National Security Transition Command-Iraq. He liked working closely with his Iraqi counterparts and seemed to get along well with the contractors from Virginia-based U.S. Investigations Services, a private security company with contracts worth $79 million to help train Iraqi police units that were conducting special operations.
Although the article [implies] that Westhusing killed himself, I have it from a source with firsthand knowledge that some military officers who were on the ground with Westhusing believe he was murdered to keep him from blowing the whistle on the corruption he witnessed. I have confirmed that these individuals are willing to tell all they know to Congressman Henry Waxman’s committee.

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