SMRs and AMRs

Saturday, November 24, 2007

Did Bush Lie to Federal Investigators in the CIA Leak Case?

Jon Ponder
Pensito Review

On Tuesday, an excerpt from former Bush Press Sec. Scott McClellan’s upcoming book was released in which he accused George Bush, Dick Cheney and their three top advisors of conspiring to cover up their roles in the leaking of the covert identity of CIA agent Valerie Plame Wilson.

Martha Stewart went to jail for lying to federal investigators even though she was not under oath at the time. Scooter Libby was found guilty of one count of lying to the feds but, of course, Bush commuted his sentence and will pardon him late next year.

In the excerpt from his book, “What Happened,” McClellan wrote that he had “unknowingly passed along false information” that had exonerated Bush political operator Karl Rove and Cheney henchman Scooter Libby as sources of the leak of Agent Wilson’s secret identity, and that “five of the highest ranking officials in the administration … Rove, Libby, [Cheney], [Bush’s chief of staff Andrew Card], and [Bush] himself” had been involved in the conspiracy to deceive the public about the plot to forfeit Agent Wilson and her covert international assets in tracking terrorist sales of weapons of mass destruction.

Deceiving the public is par for the course with these guys but deceiving federal investigators is quite another matter. In fact, lying to the feds is a criminal act, even when the person being interviewed is not under oath.

To cite one recent example of this, in March 2004 Martha Stewart was sentenced to five months in federal prison for, among other charges, making false statements to federal investigators. Another more salient example: In October 2005, Scooter Libby was charged with two counts of making false statements when interviewed by agents of the FBI, along with one count of obstruction of justice and two counts of perjury in testimony to a federal grand jury.

(Continued here.)


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