SMRs and AMRs

Monday, August 06, 2007

A canary in the coalmine election?

A special election is coming up Tuesday, August 7, in southeastern Minnesota to replace longtime GOP legislator and former Speaker of the Minnesota House Steve Swiggum. The two candidates represent a clear and critical contrast representing the current divide in Minnesota politics.

We've plucked from the Minnesota Chamber of Commerce website this tidbit from their questionnaire sent to both candidates. In a prophetic way, it puts the contest in a nutshell.
Minnesota Chamber of Commerce: In order to strengthen Minnesota's economy, strategic investment in transportation infrastructure is necessary. How do you propose to fund Minnesota's transportation infrastructure to assure the safest, most cost effective transportation system that will meet the economic and quality-of-life needs of our state?

Steve Drazkowski, Republican: There is enough money for transportation projects in Minnesota, we just need be more efficient and prioritize our spending on transportation projects.

Linda Pfeilsticker, DFL: Transportation is vital to the economic stability of our region and state. We have to look at all forms of funding to determine what can be most effective and fair to improve and maintain our transportation system.
Interesting note: Both candidates claim to be educators, but Drazkowski's answer contains a classic run-on sentence. In the survey, Drazkowski did not answer the question on education funding.

The entire questionnaire is here. Our earlier analysis of the race is here. For current updates on the contest, see A Bluestem Prairie.

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