SMRs and AMRs

Sunday, July 01, 2007

Passages from Saudi school textbooks

Published Date: July 01, 2007
By Dr. Sami Alrabaa, Staff writer
from Kuwait Times

Ahmed Al-Sarraf cited in Al-Qabas (June 2) some passages from a Kuwaiti school textbook taught at the first secondary grade. Here is an English translation of passages from the book, "Jurisprudence", page 38:
Who is, or who is not punished in a Muslim society:
* A Muslim who kills an apostate or someone who commits adultery is not punished.
* If a Muslim kills an infidel or a slave, he is not punished.
* If a Muslim man, father, or grandfather kills someone from his offspring, he is not punished.

I went through school textbooks taught in Saudi Arabia and Indonesia. Here is an English translation of some passages from these books.
A fourth grade textbook on Monotheism and Religion instructs students:
"Any other religion other than Islam is invalid (false)." (P. 29 )
"Hate (yakrah) the polytheists and the infidels" as a requirement of "true faith." (P. 86)

5th Grade. Book: Monotheism and Religion
*"Every religion other than Islam is invalid." (P. 33)
*"It is not permitted to be a loyal to non-Muslims, and to those who oppose God and His Prophet." (P. 14)

(More here.)

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Blogger Minnesota Central said...

On my Minnesota Central blog commentary last July, I addressed Bush’s failings to influence Saudi textbooks. At that time the question of “ Any other religion other than Islam is invalid" was a First Grade question, so I suppose this is improvement if it’s now a Fourth Grade question ?

Seriously, part of the justification used by the House to
deny foreign aid to Saudi Arabia in FY2008 is that Saudi clerics continued to preach hate towards the United States, Israel and their allies.

8:06 AM  

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