SMRs and AMRs

Monday, July 09, 2007

Hillary's Bizarre History of the Iraq War

Blame the Puppet

from Counterpunch

Hillary Clinton blamed the Iraqi government for failure to make progress. "The American military has succeeded," she declared to a stunned public. "They got rid of Saddam Hussein, they gave the Iraqis a chance for free and fair elections. It is the Iraqi government which has failed to make the tough decisions that are important for their own people," she said, unable to finish her sentence because of a chorus of boos. ("Take Back America" conference, June 13, Washington, DC) The other leading candidates (Obama and Edwards) blamed Bush and stood strongly for rapid withdrawal of US troops

Hillary's casting blame on the Iraqi government showed that she accepted Bush's extreme twist on reality: that Iraq's government possesses sovereignty ("supreme and unrestricted power"). In June, Defense Secretary Robert Gates visited Baghdad and scolded Iraq's government for not making more progress. Former Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld had done the same as did Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice. They castigate the people they fashioned as US puppets. Imagine, a puppet master blaming its creation for disobedience, but refusing to cut the strings!

After Bush installed Iraq's "Interim Government" in 2004, he arranged for elections. That begat media and political praise: "Bush has brought democracy to Iraq." But laws of war dictate US, not Iraqi accountability. (Paragraph 366, U.S. Army Field Manual 27-10 (1956): Local Governments Under Duress and Puppet Governments)

(Continued here.)


Blogger Patrick Dempsey said...

If Hillary would just come out and say "I supported the invasion in 2002 because based on the intel at the time, Iraq was an imminent threat. I agreed with the President at that time as did many of my Democrat colleagues. I make no apologies for the way I voted".

Instead we hear "If I knew then what I know now". Folks, hindsight is not wisdom. If it was, I would win every Powerball Lottery ("if I only knew then what six numbers would have come up, I would have picked those numbers" sounds quite foolish and that is my point!)

She might have better standing on the issue if she just took a tough stand on her support of the war in 2002 and say that it was not a mistake at the time.

Instead we just get pandering and retractions which lessens her credibility. Hillary has a serious credibility issue and taking the stance she has taken is not going to gain her any more credibility until she comes out and says she voted the way she did based on the same evidence everyone else saw at the time.

Is that so hard?

I suppose it is if you want to be President. We haven't gotten a straight story from Hillary since 1992, why should we expect anything less now?

12:53 PM  

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