SMRs and AMRs

Wednesday, July 04, 2007

Election Fraud: Where's the Outrage?

by Ernest Partridge
from Smirking Chimp

On March 8, 1994, scarcely year into Bill Clinton’s first term, The New York Times reporter, Jeff Gerth, “broke” the infamous “Whitewater” story, claiming that the Clintons were involved in some sort of cryptic land investment scandal. The story was fed to Gerth by “The Arkansas Project,” a right-wing hit squad whose sole purpose was to “get” Clinton by publicizing groundless accusations. The New York Times, “the newspaper of historical record,” was somehow persuaded that this news was “fit to print.”

The so-called “Whitewater scandal” dogged Clinton throughout his Presidency, as scarcely a week went by without the corporate media “reporting” some allegedly “new” developments in the case.

Six and a half years and some $70 million taxpayers’ dollars later, Whitewater Special Prosecutor, Ken Starr, told the House Judiciary Committee that he lacked the evidence to continue his investigation. During those six plus years, the Washington Post published over 2000 articles about “Whitewater” (Media Matters, Nexis search), but neglected to give prominent space to Starr’s virtual exoneration of the Clintons.

Now compare this extended media frenzy over what turned out to be a non-story, with another story which, if true, strikes at the very heart of our democracy. This is the substantial and unrebutted evidence that the past two presidential elections, along with the intervening congressional elections, were stolen and that, by implication, the United States has, for the past six years, been ruled by an illegitimate government.

Just last month, astonishing new evidence has come forth that in 2004 millions of Kerry votes were “switched” to Bush, and millions more “graveyard votes” were added to Bush’s total. Mainstream media coverage? Nada! Instead the source is the New Zealand website, Scoop , and subsequently other progressive websites. I will return to this remarkable report later in this essay.

(Continued here.)

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